słownik polsko - angielski

język polski - English

oznaczać po angielsku:

1. denote

What does this symbol denote?
The elegant trademark of the well-known company denotes quality and innovation.
They also denote whether the group is for men or women.
The tilde is used in math to denote equivalence.
Negative values denote downward inclination (see Figure).
This mark denotes purity and quality
We use the symbol “⊂” to denote proper inclusion.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (denote) występuje w zestawach:

Fiszki z książki - "'Farewell'" (W. H. Stacpoole)
The original Generation Flageolet
Fiszki z książki - "Wood Engraving" (R. John Beedham)
Fiszki z książki - "The Secret of the Totem" (Andr...
Fiszki z książki - "The Problem of Truth" (H. Wild...

2. stand for

I will not stand for this kind of behaviour in my house
The initials EU stand for European Union.
I don't stand for your bahaviour.
i won't stand for rudeness
What does IFV stand for? It stands for infantry fighting vehicle.
KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken. What does KFC stand for?
Could you tell us what those initials stand for?
What does CRE stand for
We're not going to stand for this injustice any longer.
Letters "IELTS" stand for International English Language Testing System.
The f’s stand for ‘fully furnished’
I'm not surprised that Mrs. Adamson rejected your report. She won't stand for that work.
I wouldn't ​stand for that ​sort of ​behaviour from him, if I were you.
he can't speak to me like this- I won't stand for it!
She is intending to stand for Parliament.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (stand for) występuje w zestawach:

stand, take, turn, wear, work
Słówka dział 14- Social issues
English (idioms, phrasal verbs)
3 Dependent prepositions NEF Intermediate 3 edition
Formal & Informal vocabulary

3. mean

He is mean.
If you raise an eyebrow, it can mean "I want to have sex with you", but also "I find that what you just said is completely idiotic."
When my doctor told me to eat more vegetables, he didn't mean French fries.
The plants' mean height was 10,3 centimetres but some of them were as high as 15 centimetres.
He’s not very nice. He can be quite mean.
I mean it's just another manifestation of internet addiction really.
They don't use 'celeb' to mean 'rich man' over there. By which I determine that you are Japanese.
Although it's "Mac OS X", that doesn't mean that the Mac OS code itself has been upgraded to a new version.
The Waterfront's success could mean that other cities soon follow, creating areas that offer people a new kind of city living, with all the benefits and none of the stress, noise and pollution of crowded centres.
Did you know that when you say "America", it can mean the USA or the continent of both Americas?
It's written abazure (bitch). Surely this must mean a slut?
What do we mean by "global optimization"? It's kind of like if I gave you a pair of binoculars and told you to find me the highest mountain in the world, using only your eyes.
Being "really busy" does not mean running around and acting like you don't have time for anyone or anything.
In particular, it is customary for actual examples of use of the harmonic mean to generally cover "average speed," and explain no further than that.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (mean) występuje w zestawach:

Lesson 7C Learn a language in a month.
1A, Grammar bank, page 132, 2022-11-19
1000 najpopularniejszych angielskich słów
English Top 1000 100-150
Pre-int Unit 1 Lesson 3

4. signify

What do those lights signify?
He turned away from her slightly to signify his indifference. Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.
He nodded to signify his consent
What you think doesn't signify at all.
Oranges signify a happy love while lemons symbolize an unrequited one.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (signify) występuje w zestawach:

Unit 10 - Company Law - General Meetings
"Władaj i gadaj cz. 2" - rozdział 36 - Telefon
"Władaj i gadaj cz. 2" - rozdział 36 - Telefon
Fiszki z książki - "Charlie Newcomer" (Wilbur B. S...
Fiszki z książki - "Going into Society" (Charles D...

5. mark

Mark Twain said, "All generalizations are false, including this one."
Small clearings mark where villages once stood.
One of my favorite quotes by Mark Twain is, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
When writing a sentence, generally you start with a capital letter and finish with a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?).
question mark
Mark graduated from Harvard in 1991.
I trust what Matthew, Mark, Luke and John said, and if I were ever the victim in a car accident I'd be very happy if they were my witnesses.
It seemed the quarrel would finally be talked out, when Mark added fuel to the fire by bringing up the question of who was guilty.
Priscilla Chan is the girlfriend of Mark Zuckerberg.
My mark for the English examination was close to the average mark of the class.
Since I started English course my marks are better and better
Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.
Hui Shi had many ingenious notions. His writings would fill five carriages; but his doctrines were erroneous and contradictory, and his words were wide of their mark.
Whether or not Imogen of the Internet will live out her life without causing national scandal depends entirely on Mark Zuckerberg's privacy policies.
One feels that the city has grown slowly and each age has left its mark.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (mark) występuje w zestawach:

Starland 3 s. 122 i 123
Gosia unit 6 c.d
sky high 3 03,04,05

6. to imply

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (to imply) występuje w zestawach:

The collection and transport of water - 3
Jane vocab 1
Moja lekcja 17
core themes slajd 1
conglomerwte coughs

7. label

Attach this label to your package.
What's on the label?
I never read labels
The label on my scarf says, "Wash and iron inside out." I wonder how I'm supposed to do that.
He’ll only buy something if it’s got a designer label (made by a famous designer).
Jane lost her case because she did not have a label with her name on.
The parcel was clearly labelled "Fragile".
He began to sort these people out and label them.
Can you label these boxes? (Czy możesz nakleić etykiety na te pudełka?) Teacher labelled him as a naughty pupil. (Nauczyciel zaszufladkował go jako niegrzecznego ucznia.)
knew it was a fake without looking at the label. (Wiedziałem, że to podróbka bez patrzenia na metkę.)
The label said ‘100% wool’.
I would like to exchange this blouse for a bigger one but unfortunately I have already removed the label.
You should always read the label carefully before taking any medication
1) She was wrongly labelled a liar. 2) She had automatically labelled the boys as troublemakers.
This label sticks easily.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (label) występuje w zestawach:

angielski zawodowy 1
Słówka: 20-26.11

8. mean meant meant

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (mean meant meant) występuje w zestawach:

czasowbiki nieregularne
Irregular verbs

9. indicate

indicate terms of delivery
They express disagreement by shaking their heads, which may indicate agreement in other countries.
Indicate by holding up the appropriate number of fingers!
Nice person, that's the word girls used to call men to indicate that they aren't possible objects of romantic interest.
Please indicate which free gift you would like to receive. humorous I'm so hot and tired - I think a long cool drink is indicated!
Take care to indicate the right object before sending me your email, otherwise it will end up in the spam folder.
The woman next to him looked at the area indicated
They may read wrong or try to do more than indicated. She indicated a group of young men near one building. He indicated a door at the end of the room.
The article claims that an increase in crime indicates a decline in moral standards. A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.
Etiquette is the set of rules which indicate what behaviour in a society is acceptable and what is not
Dad’s look of surprise indicated that he had had no idea about the birthday party we had prepared for him.
Definition if you indicate while you are driving, you use the flashing lights on your car to tell other drivers that you are going to move to the right or to the left
Little now; be very much when cook,' spreading out her hands as if to indicate that the pint would swell to a gallon.
wskazywać [+ (that)] Recent evidence indicates that the skeleton is about 3 million years old. Her test results indicated that she needs to lose weight. (Jej wyniki badań wskazywały, że musi schudnąć.)
It would be appreciated if you also went to the website to post a comment on that sentence, to indicate it doesn't sound natural and should be improved.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (indicate) występuje w zestawach:


10. designate

Blue lines on the map designate rivers.
We'll designate you as second in command.
He designated Maria as his deputy while he was away.
King Arthur designated the duty of making the round table to Sir Cumference.

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (designate) występuje w zestawach:

Matasek Advanced 1-4
kartkówka 7.01

11. mean meant

Angielskie słowo "oznaczać" (mean meant) występuje w zestawach:

nieregularne część1
Irregular verbs